Get Both Books for Just $15 TODAY!

These books are instrumental in your journey of being in position to prosper.  Both are critical in preparing you for the wealth transfer, as you move into your destiny.

I Am Because He Is $10

Discovering My Purpose and Passion Becoming HIS

What is my Purpose?  Why am I here? 

What is my Destiny?

Everyone I know has contemplated these questions at one time or another in their lives.  

This book is about a journey int the revelation of who we are.  It's about the realization that we are placed here on earth for the sole purpose of accomplishing HIS "Course of Destiny" for our lives.  

Regardless of our definition of success, it doesn't happen until we accomplish our purpose for being here.  And the only way to accomplish it, is to connect with our Creator.  The One who created us for a specific purpose.  

Once we are on track with our "Course of Destiny," the floodgates open.  the resources, flood in because we are not working for ourselves, we are not striving for our own personal material gain; (wealth, power, influence, happiness) but because we are working for our Creator, serving His purpose for our lives.  

When Solomon asked for wisdom to judge the people, God not only gave him the wisdom he asked for, but riches, power and the influence, as well.  It's the same with us.  When we are walking into our Course of Destiny, accomplishing His purpose, instead of our own, God will bless us with the desires of our heart and fulfill every one of those desires, exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask o think, according to the power He has placed in us.

Pure Worship

An Introduction to a Life of 
Intimacy with God

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Pure Worship $10

An Introduction to a Life of Intimacy with God

I asked the Lord why He didn’t want to talk about the benefits of worship.  He said because He didn’t need to sell the benefits.  He said the people who buy the book are people who really want intimacy with Him.  They are not concerned with material benefits.  He said once they develop intimacy with Him, the benefits they will receive far surpass any material gain, which may be a byproduct if necessary.  The true riches of intimacy with God, is His mastery in the full complete development of His people into the person or people He created and ordained for us to be, before we entered our mother’s womb.

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