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CBS Vlogs and Blogs 

"Those who love Me inherit wealth.  I will fill their lives with treasuries."

Proverbs 8:21

Positioned2Prosper Episode 1: Introduction

An introduction to the new vlog by Sharan E. Coleman, author of "Pure Worship" and "I Am Because He Is" entitled, "Positioned2Prosper."  

Positioned2Prosper Episode 2: "Do It Scared"

An introduction to the new vlog by Sharan E. Coleman, author of "Pure Worship" and "I Am Because He Is" entitled, "Positioned2Prosper."  


Positioned to Prosper

Ephesians 1:10-11 NLT
Psalms 8:3-8

God is going to fulfill His Kingdom purpose for man to rule the world under Him (Psalms 8:3-8).  The first Adam failed, submitting to the devil’s agenda, instead of God’s.  But the last Adam, Jesus Christ, won’t fail.  He will fulfill all God’s purposes.  Regardless of what you see happening in the world, God’s program is still in place.  Jesus has won the victory, and He will rule.  

Our position has already been determined before we entered this world.  God has predestined us with His purpose in accordance with His Will.  He had the master plan and He has already worked out our part in it.  Ephesians 1:10-11 NLT.

Grace Has Positioned Us

Psalms 61:7 - TPT
7. I will live enthroned with you forever! Guard me, God, with your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days walking in grace and truth before you.

I humble my heart and turn my attention toward you and this glorious reality.  I set my gaze on your glory; I worship you, God.  Thank you for the rights and privileges I have with you as your child.  Thank you for the grace the has fully gifted me to cry out to the Father of Eternity.  

I could not be lifted any higher or blessed any more than I already am, for you have pointed me with your fullness in the place of your throne room.  There is nothing more to gain.  I have the same privileges as Jesus, and my heart and mind can barely contain the information.  The same righteousness that Jesus has is the righteousness I have, for I am hidden in Him.  Thank you for bringing me in by the blood of the Lamb.  I have the same position before you as Jesus because I have been made one with him.  Oh, how I rejoice!  There is nothing more I could ever ask for in heaven.  Thank you for the fullness of your love, the fullness of your kingdom, and the fullness of your peace in my life.  I am fully yours.  Positioned by grace.

Prayers From The Throne Room, by Dr. Brian Simmons

I guarantee you, if you were to meditate on this prayer, or even just the underlined portions, it will absolutely change your life.  There is no doubt in my mind.  I know it to be true because it changed mine.  Every day without fail I would mediate on the below scriptures day and night.  Just like Joshua told us to do, in Joshua 1:8. The more I meditated on the following scripture statements, the more the scriptures manifested in me, and the moreI became them.  After all, the Bible says in Mark 11:23 that we, as Believers, will have what we say. I became what I said, and it literally changed my life.  Review the scriptures below and see if you notice any similarities in them from the prayer by Dr. Simmons.

Affirming Scriptures:

I have been bought with the price of the precious blood of Jesus Christ; I Cor 6:20 NKJV
I was crucified with Christ; Gal 2:20 ESV
I died with Christ; Romans 6:8 ESV
I was buried with Christ; Romans 6:4 ESV
I was raised with Christ Colossians 3:1,Ephesians 2:6 ESV
And I am seated with Christ in heavenly places Eph 2:6 ESV
Nevertheless it is no longer I who lives; but Christ who lives in me; Colossians 1:27
Christ was formed in me and my life is now hid with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3


Why Do I Need A Christian Mediator?

True Christian mediators do not just mediate for money. When I say "Christian" Mediators, I am referring to mediators who have been called by God to mediate and have surrendered to the call.  Christian Mediators represent Christ in everything they say and  do.  They submit their gift of service unto the Lord, trusting Him for the best outcome for their clients.   As a result, integrity is extremely important to Christian mediators.

Christian mediators have a special anointing to serve as mediators. They are anointed by God with His wisdom, knowledge and discernment, which gives them an advantage for the mediation process.

As a mediator, I can only rely on my training and my instincts. But as a Christian mediator, I always pray before any mediation, seeking God’s wisdom and discernment.  Therefore, as a Christian mediator, it’s not just human instincts that guide me. 

As mediators, all we know is what the parties tell us, and the parties only tell us what they want us to know.  But as a Christian mediator, we have discernment from God, and we can hear and see beyond what the parties are saying.  This can help tremendously with the mediation.  When parties become stuck on their positions, mediators have a tool called Caucus. This tools is used to separate the parties and work with them individually to get better insight as to their position and why they refuse to compromise.  This is where a Christian mediator's gifts of discernment and wisdom can come in handy.  Thus, caucus sessions have better results  as a result of these gifts.

I strongly believe that a person who is in the center of God‘s perfect Will for their lives, are in the best position they could ever possibly be in. Regardless of whether they are called to serve in the position of truck driver, teacher, doctor, project manager, preacher or a mediator, they could not be in a better position.  They are in the center of God‘s perfect Will for their lives, and that is where ultimate success lies.  

When a person experiences ultimate success, it means every decision they make, every step they take is successful because they are doing what God created them to do.  

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